About us

Meet the founder

Hi! I'm Amanda Joy Loveland. Along with my other talented coaches and teachers, I can't wait to help you transform your inner and outer worlds to create the life you've always wanted.

Amanda Joy Loveland is the owner and founder of imbodi you

For years, I've been driven by a deeper purpose that has ultimately led me here with you.

Like many of you, I had a deep stirring in my soul, pushing me toward something more. For more than a decade, I owned and ran a nationwide clothing company but was guided to step onto a new path in 2019. Are you feeling called to something greater than you?

Answer the call
Amanda Loveland is a shamanic practitioner, NLP practitioner, reiki practitioner, public speaker, entrepreneur, podcaster, and published author.

Amanda Joy Loveland

Owner & Facilitator

Amanda is a shamanic practitioner, master NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner, reiki practitioner, intuitive, visionary, TedX speaker, successful entrepreneur, podcaster, and published author of three books.

A seeker of truth and student of life, Amanda has practiced and studied various healing modalities for over a decade.

The former owner of a national clothing brand, modbod, she felt a deeper calling and closed her business after 11 years—a difficult decision guided by intuition.

Amanda offers individual and group sessions, retreats, speaking engagements, and mentorship dedicated to spiritual and mental alignment, deep healing, growth, and expansion.

She's passionate about helping others remember who they are as she guides them in finding their authentic expression,  stepping fully into themselves through embodiment and embracing their unique gifts.

Michelle Wilding

Owner & Facilitator

Michelle is a certified NLP and hypnotherapy trainer, as well as a trained Rapid Transformational Therapist.

Fascinated by human behavior and the inner workings of the mind, she received her degree in psychology from Brigham Young University.

She stepped into her own healing journey more than 15 years ago after struggling with issues around body image and self-worth that resulted in an eating disorder.

Her path led her to pursue other modalities that not only catalyzed her own healing but has benefitted the hundreds of women she's helped.

Michelle is passionate about helping women succeed by creating lives they love and learning to see powerful, beautiful, and authentic beings they truly are.

The mother to cute little puppies Sadie and Wookie, Michelle loves fabulous shoes, traveling, road and mountain biking, and eating great food.

Michelle Wilding is an NLP and hypnotherapy trainer, as well as a Rapid Transformational Therapist.
Holli Henri

Holli Henrie

Coach & Facilitator

Holli Henrie is a lifelong explorer of spiritual realms and a devoted practitioner of various holistic modalities.

For the past 26 years, Holli has immersed herself in a diverse array of modalities, each contributing to her unique understanding of the spiritual and energetic realms.

Her range of experience includes the study of Neuro Kinesiology under the guidance of Dr. Lauren Hunter, Matrix Energetics and the art of two-pointing with Dr. Richard Bartlett, and The Orion Healing Technique and 12-Strand DNA Technique by Vianna Stibal with Loray Hattaway.

In addition to her spiritual pursuits, Holli is a skilled massage therapist and master esthetician. Through her hands-on work, she channels her intuitive abilities to promote physical well-being and enhance the holistic balance of mind, body, and spirit.

Holli is not only a practitioner but also a communicator with the divine. Embark on a transformative experience with Holli, where the convergence of spirituality, energy healing, and holistic wellness creates a space for profound personal growth and awakening.

Are you ready to become who you're meant to be?

Unlock the keys to freedom, self-mastery, and full embodiment so you can break every barrier and step into the life that's been waiting for you.

imbodi physical for women

Our proprietary method

The foundation for all our teachings, the Four Keys is a simple yet powerful whole-human approach to creating lasting change in both your inner and outer worlds.

The Four Keys to Self-Mastery and Full Embodiment

Our methodology

The foundation for all our teachings, the Four Keys is a simple yet powerful whole-human approach to creating lasting change in both your inner and outer worlds.

The Four Keys to Self-Mastery and Full Embodiment

For our tribe

Our manifesto

I know that as I come to a place of full embodiment that self-love naturally occurs that is pure and unconditional. As I step into this space, it radiates out and transforms the fabric of my reality into a place of sweetness, joy, and abundance and impacts everyone around me.

 I am a divine creator of my reality.

I know that as I choose to be a good steward of the body I've been given that I will become more and more connected to my divine gifts.

I fully claim my ability to access my intuition and take action when I am called.

As I step into my divine feminine & divine masculine, I claim my birthright to co-create the life of my choosing with my body, humanity, and God, the divine, or source.

I take full accountability for my thoughts, emotions, and actions.

I will fully accept all parts of me that I shamed because I judged them as bad, evil, or wrong, or believed that I was unlovable or not good enough.

Man standing on a mountaintop, looking out at neighboring peaks through the mist

I know that as I come to accept and return to wholeness through love...

I become more and more embodied in my truest essence.

This is my gift to myself and to the world.

The Hidden Meaning in Our Name

As we have been  diving deep into the creation of this company, and the mission that we are here to do, it not only is about impacting women but men as well. We wanted a name and branding that hit home to many and resonated deeply within us.

im*bodi*you breakdown:

The ‘i m’ at the beginning is “I am” as you say or read our name.  I am statements are two most powerful words in every language.

bodi is a part of the bodhi bridge, as one who helps people into enlightenment. Bodi is also attached to the physical body as the physical frame, connected with enlightenment, means that we are all bridges between heaven and earth.

The two i’s at the beginning and end are pillars to enter through the gate and into your truest expression of yourself.

As you step through the doors with us you will learn first, our belief is: your physical body is the key to obtaining everything you desire. If you have not mastered the body, everything else in your life will be lacking.
This is where our tagline, “where physical meets metaphysical” comes in.

Often, in the spiritual communities and in the self help arena, we want to jump to the spiritual qualities or manifesting what we desire and the physical body is left out. You will hear us say, over and over, that the body is truly the key to gaining everything you desire. Your physical structure is the foundation for all things to be held.

We are on a mission to bring people back home to themselves, first in having the bodies they truly love and then in being truly connected to their higher selves including their gifts, purpose, divine partnerships and in true manifesting.

This is about all of us - it's time to imbodi you and come back home.